Monday, May 25, 2009

Stuck in a rut filled with cement!!

So I'm kinda stuck on what else to put on my blog. i know i want to keep putting sad gross stories up but I'm running out of them.... well actually I'm out of them, and i want to keep putting up my little stick figure like girls but I'm running out of ideas for them too. So what I've decided to do is have you (the people who come and view random crap) to send me ideas of what to draw with my little stick figure girls. and some of your own sad gross stories. You know what they don't even have to be sad they can just be gross or they can just be funny or whatever you like. So here's what i need you to do:
  1. Step 1: Email me at
  2. Step 2: Tell me you idea for one of my little girl comics. Or your story...
  3. Step 3: Now if you send me a story you would like me to post i will need all of the details to make the story hilarious. Also if you like your name to be said in the post let me know. Also if you don't want your name in the post. This also works if this is someone close to you and they don"t want there name said in the post. I will do the whole *the names in this post have been changed to keep them safe from all those crazy people out there* you know something like that.
  4. Step 4: If you send me a comic idea and you want your name to be on it somewhere you know like * this comic was inspired by.......* you know that old chestnut.

Now I'd like to thank you for your time. Ha ha just kidding! But not really!!!!

Math...... Sucks!

Okay so here is my deal with math. why do we have to learn all of this dumb math stuff when we will probably never use it again. i mean really? My mind is pretty much made up of what i want to be and I'm not gonna need to know how to do factoring of a trinomial. Plus i suck at math as it is. So now down to the real reason why I'm writing this post. i went online today to try and find a website that could explane my math a little bit better, and you know what.............? They all SUCK!!!!!! Non of them helped me at all. The one that looked like it might be good totally sucked. It looked like what i was doing but when it did the whole problem out it was way diffrent then the answe i got and i know mine was right beacuse i looked in the back of the book. Yeah thats right i looked in the back of the book so what. But in the back of the book it just tells you the answer it doesnt show you how to do it. It's really annoying.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Immigrant Rights Supporters Gathered at Oregon Capitol

Today I went to Salem where Over 3000 Immigrant and Labor Rights Supporters Gathered at Oregon State Capitol.

It was a great experience, and a great day to march and hope that the politicians and President Obama will make a difference in immigration reform.